Monday, January 8, 2007

Ancient Rome!

We've spent quite a bit of time exploring the origins of the Christian church, discussing Constantine and the like. So today, after doing our final sweep of churches this morning with the wonderful Irish priest Fr. Collins, five of us decided a visit to the city that predates Christianity was in order. Although we'd been in the vicinity of the Colosseum and the ancient Forum, we hadn't taken the time to thoroughly explored the area. Today, braving the raindrops that oscillated between "sparkling" and "downpour" we got to take in Rome the way the ancient Romans would have.

We began our journey at the Collosseum. Although a bit suspicious of the people standing outside the ancient arena, offering tours, we decided to take them up on their offer and I'm very glad we did! The guide pointed out things I never would have noticed, such as the holes in the walls which were created by people pilfering iron for other buildings. Much of the building's marble is missing as well, but can still be viewed in the town's churches and palaces.

Included in our guided tour was a tour of the Forum. Due to the day's rain, we witnessed not one, but two accidents on the road along which we were walking to the Forum. What the cobblestone streets have in longevity, they certainly lack in safety!

I was very excited to stroll through the Forum, which was made possible through an irrigation system the ancient Romans devised that, according to our guide, translates into the "asshole of the world." We took lots of pictures, especially around the Temple of the Vestal Virgins. Nothing like headless statues to really make you feel good about yourself!

One day left in Rome. We're not sure what we're going to do in our final hours here, but I'm sure we'll find something spectacular as we have every other day. Ciao!

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