Saturday, January 6, 2007

Some thoughts on Assisi, Rome, and Florence

Today we're in Florence and I didn't realize how cold it is up in the mountains. This morning we got up really early and went to the Uffizi Gallery. We saw some famous artworks like "The Birth of Venus" which was incredible. Then we looked at the Duomo from outside (it's a Holy Day of Obligation so we can't go inside). The Duomo is the fourth largest dome in Europe. It's beautifully decorated on the outside. It was quite a sight! I'm very excited for tonight, though, when we return to Rome because it oddly feels like home to me. I can navigate quite well there and there aer so many beautiful and historical sites to see there. I've missed it since we've been in Assisi and Florence. I found Assisi to be a gorgeous city with some crabby people in it. Store owners do not like it when you touch their items before paying for them. It was very strange when compared to the niceness of the people in Rome. Assisi did, though, have a rich variety of historical churches that St. Francis built himself or was buried at. The people there are very fond of him, and with good reason, too. Hopefully when I return to Rome I will be able to finally see the Trevi Fountain and the Spanish Steps. Until then, ciao everyone!


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