Saturday, January 6, 2007

Hello Florence!

Greetings from Florence! We have been traveling for the last two days and we will be returning to Rome this afternoon! Oddly it kinda feeld like we will be gong home because we have already spent so much of out time in Rome! We were in Assisi yesterday and it is a truly beautiful place! There were amazinf views everywhere you looked! After some time we were able to just wander around and we went shopping! We ran into a really cranky Italian, but that is the first time that has happened so far! We are in Florence today and we went to see the Uffizi gallery! There are all kinds of Leonardo Da Vinci works there and it was amazing ot see them! I have found that in Florence way more people speak english than in Rome! I thought it would be nice to hear more english, but it is kinda odd because then you get the people who yell things at you! Anyway, Italy has been really great to me so far! We have done so much walking, but it is really good for us! Everyone thinks they have lost weight between the walking and different meals! Last night was had a really great dinner, it was the first time I have felt full since we got here. I have seen so many amazinf things in this country. Words can not describe how fantastic it was to see the little church where St. Benedict lived in a cave or three years and his order was founded! Hard to believe there is so much still to see!


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