Monday, January 1, 2007

Blog Entry

Rome is a very entertaining place! I have found that many things here find you, even if you're wandering aimlessly. Yesterday, we stumbled upon the old Roman Forum, which was incredible. It's also very fun to walk down crowded streets that are still festively decorated for Christmas.

I'd have to say that the only thing here I don't like is all the street venders, forcibly hawking their overpriced wares wherever you go.

Today was fun. We went to St. John Lateran's Cathedral which was awe-inspiring. The ceilings and frescoes were immaculate. While we were in there, Mass was going on and a choir sang several times. Their voices sounded beautiful in the church; the marble and the high ceilings made the sound carry out in all directions. It really was a moving experience, and I think perhaps the people who built the church would have wanted visitors to feel as encompassed by the experience as I did. I'm just excited now to go to St. Peter's because I hear that it's even more amazing. Until then...Ciao! (Amy)

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