Saturday, December 9, 2006

A little intro....

Hey! My name is Kristina Kelleher, but I've adopted "Nina" throughout my years. I am a sophomore at St. Scholastica studying Biology, emphasis in Forensic Science. I have only been to three of the States in my life (I know, pretty sad, huh?), and I have NEVER once been on a plane. So this will be a big leap for me as well.
One thing I am most looking forward to is seeing the Sistine Chapel. In all of my life, I never thought I would be actually seeing it up close. It will be extraordinary to be able to look up and see those famous images right in front of me! I have heard it is requested of all visitors to be silent; one of my high school teachers who has traveled to Rome many times told me about her experience there. She said there were people walking and talking in loud voices the whole time. I hope that doesn't happen to us!
One thing I am most looking forward to that isn't part of the itinerary is people watching. It's fun to do anywhere, but even more fun when you are learning a culture! I can wait to grab a small snack and just sit! Will write again soon! Nina K.


CSS in Rome said...

Hi, Nina, thank you for your introduction. I appreciate your desire for quiet in the Sistine Chapel - but I fear we may hear some of those loud tourists. People get involved in other things, and don't remember. (It happens a lot with Mass or Prayer in our Chapel - students don't know their voices are intruding.) Perhaps our biggest challenge is not to BE the noisy tourits!

Nina Rae said...

Yeah, I can see what you mean there! I know I will have a hard time not doing the ol' "oooo" "aaaa" while I'm in there. But I hope someone will remind me!

Amanda Barras said...

I really don't know if I can be accountable for all of my "wow" and "oh, look!" comments that I will probably blurt out in the Sistine Chapel!